About me

Hi, my name is Mainasara and I'm a passionate Front-end Developer with the aim of bringing imaginations and ideas to life digitally. I'm always curious and I really love to find out the "Why" of things and concepts. I'm very well able to build functional web applications and easily convert UI designs into pixel perfect responsive web pages. I am a fast learner, a dilligent worker and can adapt to a new technology as quickly as the need may be. My aim is to one day be able to stand among the great creators who have made an impact in the big and little they have done, starting from anything as little as a landing page to big things like a fully functional responsive web application.

  • Proficient in:
    HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Reactjs, Sass, Tailwind, Bootstrap, and Git.
  • Web app Development
    I implement industry level standards in the designing and building of high performing and scalable web applications.
  • Responsive Design
    I build websites with solid structures to look and perform beautifully on all types of devices.
  • Technical support
    Internship at "Hoop Telecoms Limited" - (March 2022 - August 2022)
  • Computer Science (B.Sc)
    Covenant University - (September 2019 - April 2023)
  • High-school
    Caleb International College - (September 2013 - July 2019)

My Services

Front-end Development

Web development encompasses many different skills and disciplines in the production and maintenance of websites. The different areas of web development include web graphic design; user interface design; authoring, including standardised code and proprietary software; user experience design; and search engine optimization.


This is an app which can be used to view various weather conditions and statistics based on the users current location and even other searched for locations.

The Agency.

It is a vacation Booking and aid website where users can visit to fully plan out their whole vacation depending on the time frame of the vacation, their interests etc. and also make payments for reservations directly with ease.

The Answer.

This is a calculator which is aimed at making the daily activities of both individuals and professionals much much easier and less time consuming. It is a collection of calculators ranging from the basic to the sophisticated ones.


This is a video streaming webapplication where users from all over the world can come to watch videos ranging from blockbuster movies, to epic thrilling series and everything in between. It is specially designed to be suitable for use by all ages regardless.

The Watchers.

It is a full encyclopedia website which acts as a history bank for all those seeking answers to the different questions fueled by their curiosity and is also aimed at delivering first hand news from all over the world.


This is a to-do list application with the aim of assisting individuals in planning their daily activities and keeping record of their progress. It has been built in a way that is understandable by any user and has been implemented to foster diligence and zeal in the user.


This is a Hybrid clock i.e it displays the time both in analog and digital form. It has been built to visually appeal to any type of user and provide first hand information no matter the users style (modern/Classic)

Contact Me

Lagos, Nigeria

+234 818 112 0601
